
Talking: Episode 5 - That-Gex-Dude

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Chapter 5: What To Do When You Are Dead by That-Gex-Dude (Chapter 1)

Gumball: Welcome everyone to the fifth chapter of Talking. Now, I know in the last chapter I promised something more up-lifting and happy, but when I was searching through the archive I passed by this story, read through , and loved it. So, let's not waste time with long winded intros. This is What to Do When You Are Dead.

This story focuses around me and Carrie and the meaning of the afterlife. Carrie tries to see me through the hardships of being dead after I suicidal-ly kill myself from everyone blaming me for an accident that may not have even been my fault. Now already this sounds like an interesting plot point, so why don't get started. So we start off with a little intro to what seems to be an explanation on why pranks go wrong on April Fools Day

This was probably the worst day to ever celebrate the ever-so comical day of "April Fools". Pranks would go haywire and everyone would at least get some fun and joy. Today was not the case. Gumball Watterson, a blue cat student had overdone a prank he did. He had set up a small solution, designed to only make a loud noise to scare the user, but the result was that a section of the school had exploded, and a fire ate up the rest of the building. Students and Staff were injured. The Wattersons were all sitting and discussing the matter with the school principle, Mr. Brown, in their own home, since his office was destroyed. The parents, Richard and Nicole were very depressed about one of their kids. Actually, everyone was. Mr. Brown started with a heavy cough as he sat down.

Gumball: And already the mood is tense and unsettling .

"Mr. and Mrs. Watterson, I am afraid your son, Gumball Christopher Watterson has done something unacceptable. We do know that today is April 1. A time to let out a series of pranks. However, I am disappointed to say that your son has taken this too far. And to make things worse, 164 of our students and 14 staff members are at the hospital, 5 of them at critical conditions. I also have information from the hospital staff that your son has also proven to be a bad influence to his younger siblings." Darwin and Anais sat as far away from Gumball, they had patches of gauze taped to massive wounds on their face. They had burn marks that had to be treated with cold pressure. Mr. Brown continued his speech.

"The school will not accept this as its responsibility. I'm sorry, but your son will be removed from this school." Nicole cried as Richard looked angrily at Gumball. "There is no hope for him." He added with pain. He got up and left the house, as the family was left to discuss this on their own. Nicole could not help it, but she had to brutalize Gumball for all this. This was something that was completely unacceptable. She got up, picked up Gumball and threw him to a wall. She grabbed him by his neck as she shouted forcefully at him.

"GUMBALL! WHY DID YOU DO THAT! I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU! YOU JUST CAUSED CHAOS AND INJURY TO A SCHOOL! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" she roared with rage. Gumball whimpered and cried as his mother was against him. Gumball tried to explain with his windpipe closed up.

"Mom, please… I didn't mean that to happen! Please listen to me!" Nicole released him and smacked him 4 times on the face. Nicole then grabbed Gumball by his arms, and gave him a punch to the face. Gumball cried hard. Richard looked at the scene from the stairs and told Gumball something that was unlikely to be heard by him. "This is not funny anymore son. Not. Funny." He then got up the stairs and went to his bedroom, slamming the door shut. Darwin and Anais marched to their room, not making any contact with Gumball. Nicole looked at all of them and finally had let Gumball go. She took deep breaths before adding something that had cracked Gumball hard.

"Sometimes Gumball, I'd say that you were a mistake. You are not my son." Hissed Gumball's mom, as she followed the path to her room. She too had slammed the door shut, but it was much louder.

Gumball: Ouch, mom. Just…..ouch. That part right there hurt more than any other scene. I don't care how many times she grabs me or hits and yells at me. If your mother tell you that you were a mistake, that will make you just cry and break down inside. That would crush the inner being of your soul until you can't take it anymore. Now, I'm not saying that applies to everyone. It more over applies to people whose mothers actually cared and supported them since birth. So, yeah. That scene hurt and in the next scene Darwin even talks back to me and doesn't even want me to be in the room. That hurt too, but I still think the last one hurt the most
Now, I'm going to summarize the rest of the chapter so we can continue. So everyone hates me, I'm forced to sleep in the basement and I'm treated like an abused animal with no one to care about me. Eventually, this all goes to my head and I decide to end it all. But before I go I can't help but leave a very confusing but still very clear letter to the one person who I thought might not hate me. So I send my note and when the house is empty I take my mom's car and decide to drive it off the cliff at the end of town. Before this happens though there's a small scene where we see Penny receiving the note, getting the message that I'm going to die, and trying to get to me before it's too late. Why did he write that scene? Maybe to show that someone still cared; I don't know. Anyway, we go back to me in the car being chased by the police as I get closer to my destination. That's when I drive off. Before I actually die though there a very heart breaking scene that makes feel sorry for him; myself; whatever. It goes like this:
"I'm sorry." He said lowly. He had the picture of the family pasted on the mirror. His own image was cut off the photograph. Gumball then sat back as he removed his hands from the steering wheel, while the accelerator was still stepped on. As each time went by, he held the photograph and held each of the faces in the picture with his thumb. His thumb focused on his mom.

"Mom. I'm sorry for being a bad burden on you. I am not your son. You'll be free." Gumball's thumb went over to his dad's face.

"Dad. I was probably the one to make you feel uncared for. I never treated you with respect. Everyone will respect you." His thumb went to his adopted brother.

"Darwin. I was never a good brother to you. I sometimes hurt you. Now you will be treated well." As the edge became more clear, Gumball quickly put his thumb on Anais.

"Anais. I was a bad influence to you. I never really was a good big brother to you. Now everyone will look after you." He then let go of the photo and had removed his foot from the accelerator pedal. The world seemed to be in slow-motion. Every second was now a minute.

"Goodbye world. May God forgive my soul." He said for the last time. The car flew off the cliff-face as the cops behind him quickly stopped the car.

Gumball: Excuse my words, but god damn is that heart breaking. I'm actually apologizing to the people who treated me like crap for the last few days before I die. Now if you don't feel some type of pity, remorsefulness, or sorrow at this scene then…then…then you're Carrie. You see. I can't even come up with a good comparison to this; I'm so heart struck. But anyway, as you may expect the car falls in the pit, I die, and that's the end of chapter 1. Now that this chapter is over the question, as always, is how it was? For the first chapter, it was pretty good. It captures your attention, it puts the characters in a dark scene that actually feels like it should be a dark scene, and instead of making just one or two of the family characters act different, all of them just seem to go off from their original personality. That alone makes this interesting. In each story there's always that one(or two) person(s) in the story that sympathizes with the main person, but in this no one sympathizes or even believes in the main character until it's too late. That in my opinion is how you grab people's attention. That's what made me want to continue on this story. Unfortunately, I had to stop because it was placed on hiatus, but as soon as it comes back up I'm going to read the rest of it. I want to see what happen next.

So that's my review. See you next time when I do a special crossover review of a crossover. Until then, bye.
Episode 4: 
Episode 6: 
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